Because pinterest is messin us up, dudes. We spray paint one jar and suddenly think we can out-craft Martha Stewart. And the irrational thoughts keep coming. Things that we once might've rolled our eyes at, we are just accepting. Sometimes thinking it is cool. The eye roll is on the endangered list. Dave is puh-ritty ridiculous, so I am doing my part here, but I can't save the eye roll on my own, people!
Please join me as I give a hearty interweb eye roll to the following actual things I have found on pinterest:

See? Boromir knows what's up.

I hope to high heaven that this revolutionary product doesn't put hair ties out of business.

Brookstone will sell you this grocery list maker. So glad technology has finally found a way to tell me what to buy. Without having to use my delicate hands to, you know, write stuff.
Oh, you guys are going to lunch? No, I'll just stay here and get some work done, since I had one ounce of tomato soup with my quarter-sized grilled cheese sandwich. Needless to say, I didn't save room for dessert.

This sign might as well say, "I am old enough to use power tools, but not smart enough to have realistic expectations for men."
And lastly (perhaps leastly),

If styling your five year old like a twenty-five year old doesn't convince everyone what a good parent you are, that chair in the middle of the yard holding books she'll never read definitely will. Everyone knows kids=props anyway. Why else would we create them?
Pinterest responsibly, my friends.
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