I have also said some other stuff about how I like being married. But let me give it to you straight, single girls.
People disapprove of whatever you do. And they will mention it to you. Every time I leave my house (approx every 4 days) I inevitably bump into a stranger who wants to talk about my baby. They ask me how old she is, and then they ask her name. When I say "Reese" they say, "Oh, Reese? Is that right? Reese, you said? Hmm. Never heard that one before. Reese." I don't know what is wrong with this country (world?), that we think we are allowed to pass judgement on complete strangers. Maybe I named my daughter Reese because that was my mother's dying wish. Maybe I did it because a unicorn came to me in a dream telling me what her name should be. You don't know, stranger! And just because it isn't what you would do doesn't mean it's wrong. So, if judgy people are steering the conversation in the direction of why-are-you-single-what-is-wrong-with-you, you've got to be prepared. I think I would go for shock value here. Instead of replying the truthful, "I just haven't met a person I really connect with" You should say something like, "My last boyfriend died tragically when his Alzheimer's treatment facility was attacked by genetically enhanced super sharks. I am just having a hard time moving on." If it is, in fact, someone you know, who thinks "something is wrong with you" because you are single, you can reply with a much more acidic, "I don't know, Aunt Mable, why are you wearing so much makeup? What are you hiding?" This is NOT a recommended method. I just don't think people realize how hurtful they are being when they imply that the only reason one might be single is because of a personal defect.
I also know that we judge ourselves most harshly. We look at freaks around us who are in relationships, and sometimes we wonder if there really truly is something wrong with us. I promise, there's not. Our facebook feeds are flooded with people being cheesy and vomitous about their "true love." Those people might be trying to convince themselves that their relationship is perfect...Because we all know we try to look better/cooler/more exciting on facebook. When someone is truly, heartachingly happy, they are busy being happy, not updating their facebook to try and make them look happy.
In terms of the lonely Saturday Night, just do whatever makes you happy, instead of focusing on what you don't have. Are all of your girlfriends out with their guys? Come to my house. I will watch a movie with you, and then we will all go to bed at nine. If movies aren't your thing we can go find some pallets by some dumpsters and make a coffee table. Whatevs. Your choice. All I am saying here is that you have options. Have fun. Be selfish, because I promise you that once you do find that guy, your selfish times are over.
I guess what I really want to say to the single girls is that you need to stop comparing yourself, because there's always someone you will perceive as having it all. Whether they do or not, is usually a different story. And I'm not just talking about relationships here. All I know is that I never want Reese to grow up and feel like she is lesser than someone else, just because she doesn't have a boyfriend.
So basically, life sucks in that, just as we think we have things figured out, it tells us that everyone else mastered that 27 years ago and now we are supposed to be doing something else. I say screw it. People are going to judge you no matter what. So do what makes you happy. If it's making coffee tables with me, so be it.