1. The loudest people are often the most ignorant. I feel like there is an endless barrage of ignorance attacking me. Like this massive over-simplification of a complicated topic. I do not pretend to have an extensive understanding of economics. Suffice it to say that I have enough knowledge to understand that it is COMPLICATED. More complicated than a snake picture and 14 words.
2. People who don't do their research when voting. Yes, elections are coming up. Yes, it looks like Mr. Romney is going to get the backing of the GOP. And yes, everyone in Utah is going to vote for him by default (besides me. I am undecided and still have months to figure it out). In 2008 when Romney was in the running for a second, I remember sitting in church and hearing a member of my sunday school class proclaim that Romney would be the answer to all our problems because he was Mormon and blah blah blah. That made me so angry. I will never vote for someone simply because he is Mormon. Yes, I love the LDS church and I believe it is the true church on this earth. No, I do not think that LDS people are perfect. I am still going to study out the candidates, hear what they have to say, and THEN make my decision. If I choose Romney after all that, then so be it. But I would NEVER vote for someone (or against someone, for that matter) simply because of their religious affiliation.
3. Disrespect of Jesus Christ and subsequent guilting via facebook. Did you know that Jesus Christ has his own facebook page? And that "He" posts photoshopped pictures of angels transposed into accident scenes? And that he wants you to share it with all your friends if YOU'RE NOT ASHAMED OF HIM?!
OUT-RAGE-OUS. Seriously. So disrespectful. The relationship you, I, or any of my facebook friends have with Jesus Christ is personal. I will not repost. I am also not ashamed. Please, if anyone wants to discuss my thoughts on religion and my faith therein, I would love to have that intimate, private, and serious conversation in a setting befitting of that kind of topic. I do understand that a lot of people who choose to post those things have good intentions, but do you see what you are doing? You are A. Mocking a Christ that you claim to have faith in (being facebook friends with "Him" does not make up for that) B. Accusing others who do not agree with that form of religious discussion (if it can be called that) of being ashamed or unfaithful.
That's the short list. I am now going to go peruse pinterest (<--NOT dumb) until I feel tired.
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