Oprah does this. People seem to enjoy it. The only difference here is that these are My Favorite Things; Pregnancy Edition, and that you will not be receiving any of these items. Unless you buy them.
On a side note, why hasn't America's favorite talk show host ever had children?? This seems like a real missed opportunity. Cool people are the ones that SHOULD be procreating.
And here we goooooooooo! (I am trying to phonetically recreate Oprah-speak. Just go with me on this).
1. The Body Pillow
There are soooo many products out there for pregnancy. Since I am only sort of rich, I have not bought most of them. They have specialized curvy pillows that are supposed to cradle your expanding body. I'm not gonna lie, it's not always easy to get comfortable when you're pregnant. Especially if, like me, you are a back and belly sleeper. However, I spent ten well allocated dollars on a body pillow from walmart. It has been amazing. It's almost like tricking yourself into thinking you're sleeping on your belly. Does it contain patented contour shaping technology, like the Snoogle? Nope. Does it look completely ridiculous and have no function post pregnancy, like the Snoogle? Nope. Does it cost a bajillion dollars, like the Snoogle? Also no. So, while I'm sure the Snoogle is comfortable, I'll tell you that I have been pleased with my simple little $10 body pillow.
Snoogle! Not only does it look retarded, but it has a stupid name too. |
2. Panty Liners
I won't go into too much detail here, but these are great for those unexpected sneezes. And now we will move on. (I know what you're thinking....what, no picture? You'll just have to use your imagination on this one.)
3. Flip Flops
Especially for the last trimester, these have been my best friend. This way as my feet expand throughout the day, they have room to. The only con here is that my feet get really dirty. I hate that. Since I can't exactly reach my feet right now, I have to beg Dave to take a couple baby wipes to my feet and clean them off. I have only been successful in convincing him to do this like twice. My other option is to sit down in the shower after they have gotten soft to scrub them. I worry that someday I will find myself on the floor of my shower, unable to get back up. Buuut the flip flops are worth it.
4. Unisom
It is an over-the-counter sleeping pill that my OB told me to take to help with my morning sickness during the first trimester. It didn't really solve that...but it is powerful. I was only taking 1/4 of a dose, and it was enough to pretty much knock me out. When pregnancy insomnia strikes, this is my savior. I still only take 1/4 of a dose, because that way it puts me to sleep, but doesn't leave grogginess the next day. The best part is that it's not something I need every night. Usually it just takes one time to get my body back on track for the next few weeks. I love it.
This was a staple before pregnancy, but I feel like it is important to note now too. Pregnancy is weird, and suddenly this body that I have been used to is completely different. Even my face is fatter. It's frustrating to me to feel so ugly all the time without being able to do anything about it. I know, I know, it's going to all be worth it in the end. I really do know that. But in the meantime, it has been important for my sanity and self-esteem to do things that make me feel pretty. Silly me, thinking that body image issues only existed during the teenage years.
Seriously, there are SO MANY "must-have" products out there for pregnant mamas. Somehow I have survived without most of them. I think I'll probably make it all the way through without them too.
Yay cute blog!!!
Is it just me or does the Snoogle picture look curiously like Megan?
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