This Prince's name was Dave and he had done many things in his life. He had done great things and had done some not so great things and learned those life lessons that each person seems to have to learn. This young princess knew that she had found something special and something wonderful in this prince. She often wondered how Prince Dave could be such a kind and wonderful and generous being, even after all the awful and horrible things he had seen in the cruel world. She loved that about him, and little did she know, she would soon come to love everything about him.
Prince Dave courted the princess for many months. They had so much fun together on quests and in the village that they soon were spending most of their time together. They found that there was nothing they'd rather be doing. The time was never dull, even if it was a small village they lived in, and even if gas prices limited their quests. It didn't matter. They didn't care. They hardly even noticed.
When the winter's chill made it necessary to return to their home kingdoms (christmas break) the prince and princess feared that they would not be able to see each other much because of the employment that the young prince held. However, gas prices went down just in time for the young prince to make many quests up to spend time with his princess.
On the eve of the yearly celebration of renewal (New Year's Eve) the prince and the princess had decided to save what little gold they had and allow the prince's sister and her family to buy them pizza and drinks. Then the prince suddenly came to the princess and said, "Princess, wouldst thou care to attend a small and cozy ball that mine own friend is holding this evening?" The princess replied that she would, but that she was embarrassed for her un-made face and that her clothes were not fit for such an occasion. The prince made her smile when he proclaimed, "One fairer than my love? The all-seeing sun ne'er saw her match since first the world begun." The prince and the princess then mounted his dark steed (his ford mustang) and rode toward the home of his friend.
During the ride the prince stopped. He told the princess to look up and behold the beauty of the valley that lay below them, shimmering in the night. He told the princess that back in the days of his boyhood he would oft come and sit here with his princely friends and dream up the lives they wished to have. Then he turned to again mount the steed. Before doing so he remembered something he "seemed" to have forgotten, and got on one knee to find it. The princess had heard of this ritual before. Many times when a young gentleman had the intent of asking a young lady for her hand in marriage he would do such a thing. The princess immediately began to sob, unable to control her overwhelming emotions. She too knelt down, much to the prince's dismay, so that she could hold him tightly. She had forgotten about the ceremonious ring. The prince had to remind her of it, and two shaking hands

Congratulations on your engagement! It is totally blowing Tiana away. She keeps saying, "She just graduated from high school!"
Have you set a date?
I didn't realize you were living in a fairytale! Ok ok well we are thrilled for you two and, yeah, have you set a date?
I love that you made up a ridiculously flattering compliment that Dave "said" to you. I'm sure he probably said something nice about, but it's great that you flowered it up so much.
I'm still trying to process this whole idea you kind of threw at us out of the blue, but don't think for a second that I'm not happy for you little sis.
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